by Insight Investment Counsel | Apr 1, 2019 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, The U.S. economy continues to grow and the current bull market, having just celebrated its 10th anniversary, remains intact. This is a bold statement, but one which we believe will prove out. Many market participants do not agree....
by Insight Investment Counsel | Jan 1, 2019 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, That was quite a good year… for our economy. Economic growth easily and consistently exceeded 3%, after trending nearer to 2% for most of this long expansion. Corporations were extremely profitable and delivered on robust...
by Insight Investment Counsel | Oct 1, 2018 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, We are very pleased to see the recent price moves of many of our current portfolio holdings. Other investors have recognized the quality, value and growth potential of these businesses and as a result, our clients’ portfolios are...
by Insight Investment Counsel | Jul 1, 2018 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, There has been much dramatic news around the globe since we last wrote to you in April, but contrary to the reaction in foreign bond and stock markets, the U.S. markets have only been marginally bothered by it. The rise in interest...
by Insight Investment Counsel | Apr 1, 2018 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, Our meetings with clients last year were very well received due in part to the stock market’s persistent positive performance. Portfolio values climbed steadily, even for many clients who withdrew substantial funds. Though we...