by Insight Investment Counsel | Jul 1, 2017 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, In our April letter, we discussed implications of the Federal Reserve’s appetite to continue raising the Federal Funds rate throughout the year, which they increased again a few weeks ago. There have now been four rate increases...
by Insight Investment Counsel | Apr 1, 2017 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, The Federal Reserve recently raised the Federal Funds rate, and indicated they will raise it several more times this year, potentially setting the stage for rising interest rates for many years to come. Perhaps this widely...
by Insight Investment Counsel | Jan 1, 2017 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, This time of year leads most of us to reflect on the accomplishments from the year we are leaving behind and to establish expectations for the year ahead. With this letter, I would like to share my thoughts on Insight’s 2016...
by Insight Investment Counsel | Oct 1, 2016 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, Summer has come and gone and we begin the final season of the year. Stock markets throughout the last several months have been pretty tame, especially compared to earlier in the year. Recall that stock prices declined considerably...
by Insight Investment Counsel | Jul 1, 2016 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, Once again unexpected news, this time from Great Britain and the European Union, has shocked the investment community and stirred investor anxiety. Global markets for stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities have had adverse...
by Insight Investment Counsel | Apr 1, 2016 | Client Letters
Dear Clients and Friends of Insight, In spite of the gloomy sentiment that preoccupied so many investment strategists and commentators for the first few months of the year, the market, once again, surprised the consensus thinkers and reversed its negative course....